
I’m almost done with Foundling, Dragon Guardians of Magic. But writing has been hard these past few weeks. We have been trying to relocate to another country (during a global pandemic!) and there have been several significant setbacks.


It’s been stressful, but this weekend, I did some things that I haven’t done in a long time: had a video call with old friends, looked back on my old passions, discovered some fun videos and indulged myself in a little online shopping. It’s helped make me feel better, so I want to share some of it with you 🙂


I used to love playing piano (one of my old passions), and Kyle Landry was someone I really loved listening to—I still do, just haven’t done it recently. I can’t wait till I have a more permanent home and can own a piano again. I’m super rusty, but I know I can practice and get better.



What I’ve been watching:

Flavorful Origins: A very good documentary on food from different regions in China. They talk about the ingredients, the recipes, and the culture of the people who make and eat it.


The Ancient World – Part 1: The First Civilizations | The History of the World

Very good for people for learning history in an entertaining way!

That’s all for now. If you’ve recently had a hard time too, feel free to share what has helped make it better for you in the comments below! <3

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